Experimental camping music
Der Mensch in Seinem Erdeschranken
In the summer of 2019 it was time for a new camping adventure. This time the Brothers went to Bohemian Switzerland. Beside the usual lo fi synths and their trusty 4 track cassette recorder, they brought circuit bend toys and cheap guitar pedals.
Inspired by paranoia thoughts of the German occult and poetry by Goethe, they lit up the grill, drank some lager and made lots of glitchy mayhem while enjoying the serene camping life on of the most picturesque parts of Germany.
‘Fur Ewig’ meaning ‘Forever’ in German, expresses the brotherly bond they can not escape, for the better or worse.
You tube link

The Visuals
“Für Ewig” was intended to be the sequel of “Vom Harz” but turned out to be something entirely different. The album turned out to be an introvert story driven cinematic experience. It is about ascending as a person, accepting the world as a magical place, and embracing your loved ones.
Once again it evolved in a multidisciplinary listening experience. Walther, now deep into circuit bending, created a DIY video-glitcher. Combining their holiday footage shot on an old iPhone, and pulling i through the analog video filter recording straight to VHS.
The result, a pristine colorfull trip opening up another dimension.

Für Ewig, J.W. von Goethe 1828
Denn was der Mensch in seinen Erdeschranken
Von hohem Glück mit Götternamen nennt,
Die Harmonie der Treue, die kein Wanken,
Der Freundschaft, die nicht Zweifelsorge kennt;
Das Licht, das Weisen nur zu einsamen Gedanken,
Das Dichtern nur in schönen Bildern brennt,
Das hatt ich all in meinen besten Stunden
In ihr entdeckt und es für mich gefunden.
The happiness that man, whilst prison'd here,
Is wont with heavenly rapture to compare,--
The harmony of Truth, from wavering clear,--
Of Friendship that is free from doubting care,--
The light which in stray thoughts alone can cheer
The wise,--the bard alone in visions fair,--
In my best hours I found in her all this,
And made mine own, to mine exceeding bliss.
Live Free, Camp hard!
Recorded, Composed, Mixed, Performed and Graphic Design by Diether & Walther Eichler
Mastering: Killing Skills
Photography: Ellis Biemans
Art Direction: Erjee Vroling